the year 2008 in photos
there was a storm.
wrong choices.i have made many.one of them i have made recently was deciding to choose to eat penyet at cak gendut karang menjangan.i could have opted for other penyets.but i chose cak gendut due to other penyets over crowdedness.so off we(nadhirah and i) walked to cak gendut.and we ate.and we discovered that the sambal tasted funny.masam.dah basi.but i already ate about a tonne of it.it was actually nadhirah who realized the basiness of the sambal.me, sorry to say, i am a pig of an eater, i will eat everything in my path, even sambal basi without realising it's basi until someone tells me that its basi.to make it short, the next day (hari ahad minggu lalu) as i woke up, and as a result of eating the sambal penyet basi farkenness ''cak gendut mmg gendut aku nak bom kau satu hari nanti ade ke pegi serve sambal basi takde otak ke kau cak gendut oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'' (emosi), there was a storm churning in my fucken gut. a storm who goes by the name of cirit-birit, diarrhea, mencret dan lain2 yang menggambarkan keadaan yang mane kite harus ke toilet 8juta kali setiap jam.yes, i got diarrhea.talk about bad timing.(nadhirahku juga turut diserang,cian hawwak)
bad timing.yepp.dah la besok start minggu exam.aku diare pulak.beaaaauuuuuutiful.but as an optimistic fool of a person, i hoped that it would only last for one day.i hoped.but sometimes there are somethings that you can never control.the 'storm' lasted for 4 days and 3 nights.oh the pain.my exams.i didn't study at all.i can't.i was weak.most of my time was spent going in out of the toiliet.vomiting also was not a pleasant experience.i cursed cak gendut (salah sendiri jgk,sape suruh makan kat tempat aneh2,). i tried to study but i fell asleep, i was so weak, i only woke up to go to the toilet.sangat2 menyeksakan.berjuta ubat telah ku telan,namun tiada efek,berbungkus2 oralit telah ku minum namun aku tetap saje penat.haih.and at the exam hall, i cant focus on the papers because of the storm in my gut.adoiii.and exam aku pon hancus, sumer paper sepanjang isnin,selasa,dan rabu hancur sumernyeee.arghhhhh, damn you cak gendut.
but as of thursday morning.im all better.(bagus betul ko diare ek,dah cuti baru nak baik,aduhh).
and the feeling when i went to the toilet for the first time.
was an utter bliss.
it was sweet.
as i gave all my efforts to empty my coffers.
i can feel that i am full again.
it came out hard but it was all worth it.
haha. best betul dapat berak normal!!!
(sorry tak tau nak cakap macamane, tapi aku betul2 bersyukur dapat berak normal balik, legaa..)
now, after the storm.i have learnt so many lessons.i have learnt to appreciate health.i have learnt to seize the time that i still have.i have learnt to be wise in my choices.and the single most important lesson, that we all should hate cak gendut and his army of sambal masam beracun.bom cak gendut!!! yah yah yah!!!
alhamdulillah.yang lepas biarkan berlalu.(but not cak gendut,haha)
in the end, love prevails.
aku tak suke buat tag. tapi terpokso la.haha
aku menjawab tag sebab hawakku suruh.baiklah.
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
''i'll be your daddy,your brother,your lover and your little boy,'' (petikan dari lagu Mr.Big - Daddy,Brother,Lover,Little Boy). maksudnye adalah i'll be everything she wants and anyone she needs.i love her without any particular reason.hail hana.
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
- she's the sweetest little thing.
- she's strong and i admire her.
- smart and witty.
- she's a really hardworking person. she knows her goals. and will do anything to achieve it.
- sensitive maybe? but i don't care.
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
entahla.byk sangat. but there was a couple of times, when i have my hands on too many things, she helped me with that. even when she's busy. and she's willing to embrace me with all my imperfectness. hail hana.
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
everyday she will never forget to tell me those magic words and how much i mean to her.
5. If he/she become your lover, you will…
be her lover.haha
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will…
seduce or should i say persuade her to being allies again.haha
7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve his/her...
cooking skills, haha
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is…
we are in a play where i'm james bond and she's the sexy female villain.haha
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
make her heart burst. be her guiding light. be good.
10. The overall impression of him/her is…
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
''die ni hensem betul la, dah la pakai topi mase kat pizza birthday yana hari tu, fuiyoo!'' lebih kurang macam tu la gamaknye.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
moderate, tergopoh gapah, quality than quantity
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
tergopoh gapah, wrong timing
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
the ideal me
15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
i want u guys to make this tag tu. tapi tukar, him yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah saye. haha. padan muke korang.
16. Ten people to tag:
- pak din drebar teksi kuning batu pahat dengan ucapan '' wei pak din! utang bayar bulan depan ye!''
- din beramboi dengan ucapan '' din ko hensem la, aku suke majalah ujang!''
- rahim ma'arop
- rahim kajai
- brahim's rempah rendang instan
- rahim wanita. lho koq?
- mak aku dengan ucapan ''mak buat la blog, boleh kite saling mengetag!''
- ajis ( sape ajis?)
- najis ajis (sape ajis? die ade najis ke?)
- najis adik ajis (adik ajis boleh menajis? pelik bin ajais!)
17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
haha. din beramboi dengan lady d kot. yang dalam majalah ujang tu. tak pon die single lagi kot. hensem sangat.
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
male semale-male nya.male ye bukan e-mail.
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
eh aku sepak kang org buat tag ni. kuang ajo btol. mak sorry mak. i labiu.
20. How about no.5 and no.8?
boleh2. no 5 masuk perot no 8. aku pon nak sikit. boleh tak ajis? janganla kedekut. pastu setelah di proses dalam no 8, no 5 pon jadi la no 9. canggih siot.
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
buku panduan mngambil ujian lesen L kot. tak penah pass sebab ujian zaman skrang pakai kompiuter, pak din belum cinta IT. haha.
22. Is no. 4 single?
ntahla. cube la check status die kat friendster. dah tau bagitau aku.
23. Say something about no. 6
haha. try search kay wikipedia. uterus. tgk ape kata die. dah tau wat la post.sekian terima kasih.sori if adae menyinggung pihak2 tertentu.semuanya fiksi2 belaka.hehe
cumi = cucah mingkem
sejak kebelakangan ini, baru saya sedar
saya kalau tgh kat kelas or termenung or menonton tv or tgh fokus kat sesuatu,
pasti mulut sy akan ternganga,
dahla byk kali kantoi dgn budak2 kelas yang indonesian.
girls pulak tu. (hawwakku jangan mare, org lelaki tak kisah kalau member die menganga,huhu)
kalau aku tgh syok termenung tuggu dosen datang.
mesti tetibe org panggil.
''acap!'' (sambil buat gaye tutup mulut) atau mereka akan berkata ''mingkem!''
pastu saya akan menganga lagi lebih besar hasrat untuk mencover malu.
pastu pikir2 balik.
bukan mereka je yang notice.
manusia fanatik patung dolphin comel arina pon sering menegur kenngangaan mulutku ini.
kalau dengan hawwakku pasti tidak akan menganga.
sy juga heran.
ataupun hawwakku tak sanggup menegur?
entah la.
tetapi lagi, (kalau tak nak tetapi, tetapir pon boleh, *dengan hasrat untuk membuat kelakar)
saya tetap berterima kaseh kepada mereka yang telah menegur.
kalau tidak mungkin sudah berekor-ekor lalat maupun lipas yang telah mendirikan taman perumahan di dalam mulutku.
arigato gozaimas wahai sang-sang anti-cumi.
jasamu sentiasa ku kenang.
in the end , love prevails.
kpd awak yg mencantikkan hidup sy
terima kasih
syg hawwak
thanks bg baju raye for me
sweet sgt
ei sweet gle
love u thru the ages
back stabber knife twister
in the eyes of the masses
but you're a fool dressed as king
you generate the hate
in the heart of the masses
but you're a coward with a gun
and when you're sitting on a porcelain throne
just a crack will send you back
sending you down to the ground
cos you're a back stabber knife twister whoaaa (2x)
when karma has spoken
your lies will be broken
just the truth will prevail
i know you'll try to strike with no avail
i know that you will fail
yes i pray that you fail
but when you're sitting on a porcelain throne
just a crack will send you back
sending you down to the ground
cos you're a back stabber knife twister whoaaa (4x)
by: acap elmiza yang sedang mencube2 menulis
funny craps
the italian man who went to malta
no pork at all.
raya is here but i'm not there ( at home )
these days time seems to travel at a pace which can cause neck breaks. sheetsamagic. i blink blink. already a month of fasting. and now it's already hari raya. whoa.
whoa. whoa.
i'm actually a little excited about this year's hari raya. but not the normal euphoric im so happy i'm gonna go faint kind of excitement. nope. it's none of that. im exicitingly unexcited. i'm not saying that i'm not happy. i'm happy,for one reason that i'm still alive and i got through fasting month quite well. it's just that this year i'm not going to celebrate raya with my family. and this happens to be the first. i've never been away from home (it's where my heart is, which is not in hot hot surabaya) on hari raya. hence the excitingly unexcitedness.
waduh. waduh.
one thing that makes raya at home the best is the fact that i'm surrounded with people that knows me best. people that i'm willing to give up my vital organs for. people that i happen to love and be loved back. my family. nothing compares to the happiness and calmness that you get by being at home with mom and dad and brothers and sisters on raya morning. the togetherness is sheer beauty.
whoa. whoa.
no matter how much you pay for a meal at the most expensive restaurant, it will always remain a fact for me that home is you get the best food. especially the food that mom and aunties and uncles and cousins cooked together on the eve of raya at granma's house. ketupat, rendang, kuih lopes cicah air gula melaka, sambal kacang, dodol, wajik, serunding bla bla, you name it. we got it.
it seems that this year i'm going to miss all that. sheets.
waduh. waduh.
but all in all. i'm not sad. why? i don't know. maybe because i personally view this as a test of endurance.haha. endurance la sgt. mcm aku sorang je tak balik kampung. haha.
maybe some of you are wondering why the hell on heaven aku tak balik kampung kali ni. blame airasia. tiket mahal sangat. my mom kate duduk je kat surabaya. study. haha. and also because of the length of the holiday is too short ( 1 week je, tak sempat buat pape dah habis cuti, baik tak payah btol x?)
okla, enough with the sentimental stuff. i think i'm going to be fine. with a little help from my friends and my jantungmaniswanita, im going to be fine. haha.
akhir kata. selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.
**btw, taun nie, tambah kurang family aku yg beraya kat kampung, abg. aja beraye kat maldives (seorang chef yg berjaya), aku plak beraya kat indon (seorang mahasiswa yang nyawa2 ikan), juge akan berkurang lah bajet makcik2 aku untuk duit raye, suke la diorang tu, dapat saving taun ni.haha.
in the end, love prevails.
kerepotan kulit
4 tahun. 1 year pre-u kat bandung and 3 years in surabaya studying pharmacy. one year left to go insya-allah amin.huhu,
dan sebagai orang yang dah lama di indonesia ni, sudah menjadi kewajiban untuk saya berkongsi about the differences that i noticed in the language, i mean, between bahasa melayu and bahasa indonesia, about some words that have the same sound but different meaning altogether, haha, mende la aku merepek ni,
(sebenarnye dah takde idea sgt nak buat post, im posting for the sake of posting, not that im a postman, no, im just a poster, no no, not a poster on the wall, but a poster who post posts on a four-poster bed, wtf? haha, merepek lagi.)
ok la, lurus ke sasaran la (straight to the point, direct translation,haha)
some words, like seronok in bahasa melayu maksud die suka, happy, bahagia, gembira, dan perasaan yang sewaktu dengannya lah kan,
but in bahasa indonesia, seronok means, suka, bahagia, happy etc. too, but in a pervertish kind of way.
example. in bahasa malaysia, one might ask '' bagaimana kadir, seronok permainan bolanya?''
and one might answer ''seronok!'' to express his/her happyness.
but in bahasa indonesia, one might use seronok like this ''bagaimana kadir, seronok permainan bolanya?'' and one might think of a different ball game, not the game of 11 men chasing one ball, but a game of balls.magnificient.
another word that i notice that also possess this kind of quality,( haha, gile la! ayat macam dalam buku farmakologi katzung la, eh, aku sebut name buku la, ajaib!) is repot.
if in bahasa malaysia pasar repot means to report, atau melaporkan.
but in bahasa indonesia repot means susah.
hence in bahasa malaysia, one might say, ''wahai kadir, berani kau menampar lututku, akn ku repot ke ibu ku, waaaa~ (nangis~)'', dengan maksud untuk melaporkan perbuatan kadir ke ibunya.
unlikewise (perosak bahasa inggeris, haha), in bahasa indonesia one might say '' wahai kadir. beraninya kamu menapar lututku, akan ku repot ke ibu ku, waaa~''. mesej yang tersampai adalah dia akan susah ke ibunya gara2 kadir telah menampar lututnya.merepek sekali.
dan jika kata repot itu sendiri ditambah imbuhan awalan dan akhiran ''ke-an'' maksud yang berbeda/berbeza akan tersampaikan.
contoh. ''akibat ditampar majidi, muka husaini mengalami kerepotan kulit,''. dan di sini mesej yang tersampai adalah kulit husaini jadi kerepot kerana ditampar majidi.
tapi kalau dalam bahasa indonesia, yang difahami adalah, husaini mengalami kesusahan kulit akibat tamparan majidi.
seterusnya adalah tiada lagi. bukan. bukan tiada lagi. bukan kata2 tiada lagi yang kumaksudkan , melainkan sudah tiada lagi kata2 yang ingin ku sampaikan. laa... bengong betulla kalian ini, bukan kata2 sudah tiada lagi. tapi tiada lagi. sudah habis. laaa, tak pham bahase betulla beruk ni, dah habis. aku dah takde idea nak tulis ape ni. pahe dok? (pahe as in paham, bukan paket hemat.)
sekian terima kasih.
minggu depan raye.
yeaaay! and not yeaaay!
yeay because raye la, sape tak suke.
not yeay because tak balik raye.
sekian sajela post yang lahir dari kepale ku yang bengong ini.
muchas gracias adios amigos pelontos (bahasa indonesia untuk botak).
in the end, love prevails.
selamat tu selamat la.
tapi selamat ke kalau lambat?
dah banyak kali aku miss klas pasal bgn lambat.
cet cet.
kelas pukul 7 pagi.
pukul 7 pagi baru bangon.
siap2 secepat mungkin.
sampai kampus pukul 7.14 pagi, tgk pintu ruangan lecture dah tutup.
dah ade lecturer dah.
malu nak masuk,takot kene sound.
kelas pukul 9 pagi.
pukul 9 pagi baru bangon.
haih. berulang kisah 7 pagi.
kene berubah ni.
dah 3 weeks kuliah bermula.
belum ade lagi week yang aku penuh pegi lecture.
lebih-lebih lagi lecture pagi.
set kan hati set kan minda.
dan jangan lupe set alarm clock skali.
pasti bisa.
bisa ular sawa.
berlakunya tahi (shit happens)

shit happens. at shitty times. list of some shitty things that have happened to me.
1. 1st day of ospek '08(newbies orientation) - im alone in the middle of nowhere in surabaya at 3 in the morning and im out of gas.after quite a long search,managed to find a petrol station.tried to open the seat of my super cool macam nak roboh 18 year old honda motorcycle to access the gas tank.tak boleh bukak.sebab die punye locking mechanism dah jammed.tak boleh isi minyak.how to go home? nak tak nak knela bertukang kejap sorang2 kat stesen minyak tu. haih. ''mas, ada obeng (screwdriver) gak?'' so i asked the worker. after about one and a half hour of mencungkil dan merosakkan motor sendiri, i managed to get access to the gas tank by detaching the seat of my bike.nasib baik ada obeng.kalau tak berkhemah la aku kat stesen minyak malam tu.haih.
2. 2nd day of ospek (mmg malang betul nasib aku hujung minggu tu, entahla labuu..) the next day after the stesen minyak incident, i went to ospek again.sebab tak tau nak wat ape kat bilik.i decided to go by angkot(a form of public transport here in indonesia, a modified minivan) sebab aku merajuk with my bike, tak nak bawak die lagi.hahaha, and of course because i can't precisely remember the road to get to the venue (one of my many flaws, aku susah nak ingat jalan.haih.).so aku pon tahan la sebijik angkot wk, (pahadal sebelum tu dah berapa kali nad cakap naik angkot w, amendela aku nih.) tanye kat si drebar angkot tu, ''mas, ini bisa ke gwk(nama landmark nak ke venue ospek) gak?'' he said ''yahuuuuuuu!!!''( actually he just said ''yes'', takde kejer drebar angkut nak jerit2). dalam angkut tu dah la mcam sardin.di sela2 kesardinan itu aku menoleh ke luar jendela. lain macam je jalan die. aku sesat. konfem. tapi tadi si drebar tu cakap pegi gwk. ataupun die pekak, die ingat aku tanye die ''mas ini angkut wk?'', tu la pasal die cakap ye. haih. aku terus berhenti setelah hampir sejam jadi sardin.punye la lame aku nak sedar aku sesat. last2 pegi naik teksi je. kambing betul.
3. aku penah bakar rumah aku waktu aku kecik2 dulu.haha.
4. pecahkan skrin laptop oki.dengan tidak sengaja ok. tersenggol sikit je. skrin langsung pecah dgn ekstrim. sangat shit. kene ganti laptop baru. punah harapan nak beli hp baru.huhu,
5. this one time, waktu aku tgh nak parking kat tempat parking kampus, aku terpress minyak motor yang dalam position 1st gear. terlanggar motor kat depan aku, motor die masuk longkang besar. bahagian depan jela. nasib baik bukan the whole freaking bike. kalau tak karam la moto tu di dasar longkang.haha. n nasib baik takde kerosakan di motor tersebut, cume mudguard die pecah sket yang menurut sang pemilik motor mmg dah sedia pecah. im so goddamn lucky.haha.
6. on a bus, kl-bp journey - tiket banyak dah habis.sbb beli on the spot before balik.so i had to go on this crappy bus. just a few people on board.nak dijadikan kisah adela sorang pakcik tue pembohong ni.tgh sedap2 aku melayan blues sorang2. tibe2 die duduk kat seat seberang aku. borak2. he seemed kinda nice at first. and interesting. sebab die nampak macam slekeh a.k.a mcm traveler yg wise, haha. and i liked his shoes. the kind of shoes that you won't find in malls. a pair of leather boots. ragged and dirty. haha. tibeh je. okla mule2 die borak2 la. antara yang aku paling ingat die cakap kalau aku tinggal kat asrama mesti aku jadik mangse orang2 gay. aku gelak2 jela. padahal dalam hati dah menyumpah2 dah pakcik tu. ok2. nak dijadikan cerita. die tetiba puji2 jam tgn aku. (jam swatch murah je, tapi time tu bagi aku yang masih muda belia, rm250 tu mahal ok,) die suruh aku bukak. die nak usha. aku mule2 tak nak bagi la. tapi die dok merayu2. aku pon termakan pujukannya dan jatuh ke rangkulannya.haha. ok2, pastu aku pon bagila die tgk. die cakap jam tu gempak la, berat la, ori la, ape kejadah lagi ntah. aku pon ye kan je la. die tanye harga, aku cakap org bg. pastu die bg jam tu balik kat aku. dan meninggalkan aku.kejap je la.tak lama kemudian die dtg balik.die mintak lagi jam aku.aku pon bagi(buduh btol la,huhu) ckp die nak pinjam jam aku.aku ckp tak nak la.pastu tibe2 die bg aku cincin emas, suruh bagi kat mak. aku ckp taknak la. die ckp die nak tukar cincin tu dgn jam aku. die kate die nak pinjam jam tu kejap je. cincin tu sbg cagaran. die ckp kalau aku nak balik jam aku, dtg je stesen bas petang2, die ade. die pinjam kejap je jam tu. aku pon termakan pujukan die. after a week aku pon pegi la cari die kat stesen bas. tak jmpe. a few weeks after that.cari lagi die.no sign of him. aku pon malas dah nak layan die, aku pon jual la cincin tu kat kedai emas. dapat rm150 je. haih.
**tu jelah antara kisah menarik hidupku ini.haha.moral of the story berhati2lah dan selalu lah berfikir sebelum bertindak.jangan jadi macam diriku ini yang sangat hanky panky dory tergopoh tergapah terpapah papah. haha,
mbekkkkkkkk mbeekkkk mbekkk kambingku bernyanyi~ (dengan irama lagu kereta kecilku)
oh btw ade bad news, ari tu aku pegi kedai gitar, dengan harapan untuk mentry si merah gitar epiphone impian ku, (thanks to miss hird krn memberi saran hari itu,hehe) , tapi ternyata gitar tersebut, mengalami kerosakan. neck pick-up die tak berfungsi. aku kecewa.haha. so aku pon skrg dah bertukar target gitar nak beli. gitar murah je. it's either squire of cort. i think im goin for cort. sbb die lagi murah but the quality is better, according to the mas at the shop. huhu.
all in all, all is good. enjoy life. fasting makes things go faster.
in the end , love prevails.
sumpah, surabaya semakin lame semakin panas.giler.kol 10pg suhu dah mencapai 45 darjah celcius (kat termometer rosak la,haha) tapi pokoknya mmg panas cam bontot anjing la.kadang2 (selalu kot?haha) nak kuar pegi kuliah pon malas.kan best kalau ade jalan berbumbung dari rumah aku pergi kampus.mesti aku bertambah rajin pegi kelas (yakin ke kamu akn rajin asyraf?).hahaha,
dah la puase, *cobaan*
oh selamat berpuasa! belum wish lagi. semoga ramadan kali ini membawa berkah ke kehidupan kite, amin.
ermm.. pasal besday party aku, yang dah lame aku cakap ak cerita. haaa.. hari tu, nadhirah with some help from her friends, telah berjaya membuat besday party untuk aku di pizza hut galaxy.hehe, thanks to sumer yang datang. tak penah org wat besday perty sy, time kecik2 penah la. huhu. erharu sgt2.
dapat adiah, alrm clock from ezy n huda, fren bg cactus yg ganas dan berduri (i named 'em bronco spikus, yeah!), pastu dapat soft toys from oki n teah n syamir. thanks sumer.tak penah dapat byk present mcm ni seumur hidupku.daku amat berterima kasih.
and thanks hana hird for making all this happen. love u.
btw as on today, we're 1 year and 3months and counting on and on.hehehe.
love you because of who you are.
in the end,love prevails.
check out the solo on 2.57, berdiri bulu kuduk aku,haha,
ERIC CLAPTON- Layla (Live)
wah. hebat. (TERNGANGA)
btw,blog ak dah ade sedikit pertambahan, ade links to other bloggers, ade hit counter and ade indicator viewers yg tgh view blog ni, best la.
nad yang buatkan.hehe.thanks awak! really appreciate it.hehe.
hehehe.ok la,
nanti nak post lagi. nak cite pasal surprise bday party aku yang best itu.
thanks to hana and friends.
in the end , love prevails.
n last year hanahird gave me a pair of la coste shoes, i love it, but it was a lil big, tu ponn sbb sy salah pilih saiz,huhu, sori baby,!
but this year, im sooo happy!
i got a new guitar!
oh, hepi sgt2!
gedik gle,haha
someone special gave it to me!
my hana!
best2 dapat gitar baru,,
like a dream come true, im soo heppi!!!!
oh oh oh oh!
im gonna rule the world with it, hehehe,,
melebih plak,haha,
im gona take care of it btol2, i pomis.
syg hana anyak2
ok2, nak cite pasal gitar tu,
it's a made in china guitar,
it sounds good, bright with a reasonable resonance,
it has no cut aways, (bentuk gitar standard je,)
i like it!
ohhhh, the colour is light brown, really light brown, whitish brown,
cume strings die kurang best, the strings are a bit rusty, maybe due to being displayed too long,
its okay, gonna change the strings,
all in all, best nye dapat gitar!!
thanks awak!
oh hepinye!
in the end, love prevails.
MAHASISWA MALAYSIA DIPANCUNG TEMAN SENDIRI **some parts of this post contain violence and gore, read with your own risk.
camni cite die,(pendek je cite ni, tak panjang pon, gerenti tak penat bace,huhu)
ok, camni2,
satu hari tu (19 Ogos 2008), aku pegi la umah si ismail dan rakan2 untuk study for tomorrow's (20 Ogos 2008) paper, mikrobiologi n parasitologi.so nak dijadikan cerita, sesampainye dirumah ismail, diriku disambut hangat (cheh! perasan tol) oleh suara merdu bak penyanyi hindustan milik thilagamalar a.k.a thila. aku pon heran la kenape die semangat sangat panggil2 aku. rupe2nye aku baru teringat yang die nak mintak tolong aku setting balik MP3 player Sony die, sbb dulu pon aku ade model yg mcm die punye. Oh, karena itu la die begitu hangat menyambut diriku ini. ingatkan die kagum dengan kemachoan aku yang berlipat ganda sejak kebelakangan ini.tibeh je.haha, ok ok ok, so lebih kurang camni la dialog nye,
Asyraf : eh thila watpe kat sini?
Thila : oh wat proposal PBL. acap, ni ha mp3 player nye, tlg ek. (menghulurkan mp3 tersebut)
Asyraf: oh terima kasih. (amik mp3 dengan macho nye, dengan pantas tanpa bertanya ape2 disebabkan kekonfidenan yang melampau, aku langsung memformat mp3 itu.)
Thila : (muke terkejut macam baru lepas kene sepak 70kali tanpa warning dari sebarang arah pon), acap, u format ke?
Asyraf: (masih belum menyedari ape yang telah dilakukan oleh dirinya) kenapa thila? ni dah ok ni, boleh main lagu nanti,
Thila : ......................
Asyraf: (dalam hati,''pesal minah ni?, tadi suruh aku repair, dah repair bkn nye heppi, malah kok diam je,'') kenape ni thila?
Thila : (terus menghala ke sofa, duduk terdiam) ........
Asyraf: (baru menyedari kerosakan yang telah dilakukan) oh my god!!!! proposal you ke dalam td? oh noooooo! i killed my brotherrr!(saje2 tambah, bg dramatik sket,hehe)
so dalam satu detik, usaha thila selama berminggu2 pon lenyap kerana kegopohan aku.hahaha.fyi thila langsung takde wat back-up copy utk kerja die tu, appa daaa.nasib baik before tu amir ade tolong edit die punye proposal tu dalam laptop die n amir sempat save.nasib baik btol.kalau tak mesti besoknye kua berita kat Jawa Pos ''MAHASISWA MALAYSIA DIPANCUNG TEMAN SENDIRI''. haha.
pastu aku pon minta maaf la thila.aku cakap kat die, if u need anything, call je.aku sanggup jadi hamba ko lima bulan berturut2.huhu.rase bersalah gile aku time tu.hahaha.haih.nasib baik btol.
moral: jangan terlalu menggelabah kalau ingin menformat sesuatu, tanye dulu sebelum beraksi.haha.'n buat lah back-up copy for all your important stuffs, siape tau bile2 je bende mcm
ni boleh terjadi,huhu, klaka2.
ok adios amigos terabos.
in the end,love prevails.
my birthday wishlist, haha


tu jela kot. yang lain2 tu tak banyak je, nak hp baru, nak iPod, tapi kalau dapat 3 mende alah di atas tu alangkah indahnye bday ku ini.hehehe
ermmm, ape lagi ek, ermm. ah! aku nak ucap time kasih kat sumer org yang wish, baby Naddy ku, my mom n family, member2, mael, oki, amer, sumer la.huhu.thanks kat oki byk sbb bagi aku soft toy berbentuk bola sepak yang besar itu.aku akan memanfaatkannya oki.jangan kau risau.aku akan berlatih selalu dgn bola itu.hahaha..
hehe. itu jela kot for now.
in the end, love prevails.
we had everything
we are the romantic kings and queens
of our own world in our dreams
we had the love we had everything
all seems alright and beautiful
the touches were warm and bountiful
oh how we were such fools
for believing in something so beautiful
then there was a crack in our throne
a crack so deep it became a hole
how could lose it
how could we lose everything
when we had everything
dah takde idea dah nak sambung, hahaha,
ape pasal la aku suke sangat tulis bende2 tak berfaedah camni?huhu,
hairan sy,
oh my god! esok 20 ogos!
20 ogos besok!
ogos 20 esok!
keesokan harinya 20 ogos!
hari esok 20 ogos!
besok hari 20 ogos!
keogossan keesokan 20 hari!
berlalu 20 hari dalam ogos besok!
besok 20 ogos!
wah wah wah!
viva la vida
by Coldplay
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
this song carries a strong message, deep, intense and beautiful.it tells that u can have everything and own all the power in this world, but at the end of the day, it all comes with a hefty price.this song is perfect.i wish i could write something like this.but at the end of the day, the truth remains, im not chris martin.hahaha,,
chris martin rocks!
*saint peter according to christian belief is the bearer of the key to the ''kingdom of heaven''.
dan aku adalah seorang muslim dan aku tak percaya semua itu.hahaha, i just appreciate this song for it's universal message.that's it.tq.
i am in a relentless pursuit of boredomness
mood : hopeful
there's not much to do so there's not much to say
staring into a blank television screen
i think of places that i could have been
i think of the chances that i lost
all my hopes and dreams
but they say, a door opens when another closes
it's okay i'll take my chances
win or lose thats just a part of this game.
sekarang ni tgh remedials.ujian perbaikan org indonesia kate.repair marks aku yang dapat teruk exam finals aritu.huhu.sape suruh malas blaja kan dah kene balik awal.huhu.
takpe la.its okay asyraf.kamu bisa.pikirkan kamu bisa.kebisaan kamu itu sentiasa membisakan.bisa ular.aduh sakit aku digigit!
kah kah kah,
tau tak malam hari tu aku busan, takleh tido sbb kunun2 nak stadi la utk exam, tapi bkn stadi pon, berangan je byk,(aku suke berangan kalau duduk sorang2,haha, mat jenin sungguh, seb baik takde pokok klape sgt kat surabaya ni, kalau tak habes dah aku panjat, haha, klaka la aku nih), ok2, sambung cerita. tgh berangan2 aku pon tiba2 ter fikir satu ayat,
Leon stepped aside, (actualy aku terbace ayat ni kat novel atonement,haha)
pastu tetibe ade cam satu melodi dlm kepale ni. aku pon amek pen dan kertas. tulis ayat leon stepped aside tu,
pastu ni la jadinya.
and i just stared, just watching him do the things that he do,
'oh,this is not the end,'he said, oh, this is so far away from through,
so brace yourselves my lads, this is going to be bad,
it's going t be bad.
'cause what you see ain't what you get,
and the things you lose are the things you never had,
cos now it's time, to get out of your bed,
and right the wrongs, that's inside you head.
now the sheets are dirty, and the air is hazy,
oh this is what you get, when you forget,
when the minds get lazy, the heads go crazy,
but still there is time, there's still time to rewind.
the dawn is coming, its early morning,
we forgive and then, we forget,
but time won't heal, no time won't seal,
the things that we lost, and the things that we never had,
'cause what you see ain't what you get,
and the things you lose are the things you never had,
cos now it's time, to get out of your bed,
and right the wrongs, that's inside you head.
entah la ape la yg aku cube sampaikan.haha, pokoknye, sesal dahulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tidak bergune.hehehe.
in the end, love prevails.
and she was left with no soul
she's just a girl all alone
and when she pickup n dialed the phone
there's no dialing tone
maybe what she needs is a microphone
cos she's all alone
she always thinks of him
like the way she thinks of him
but he never had the things
she wanted from him
she's dizzy from all the running
just dizzy from all the spinning
n she's all alone
oh this relationship
what should we call it
this broken sinking ship
can anyone save it?
holding hands but breaking hearts
this love just tears you apart
everything's perfect and all is fine
but you wonder are you living a lie?
too late to go back and rewind
when you have crossed the line
and you're all alone
she always thinks of him
like the way she thinks of him
but he never had the things
she wanted from him
she's dizzy from all the running
just dizzy from all the spinning
n she's all alone
oh this relationship
what should we call it
this broken sinking ship
can anyone save it?
time passes by like raindrops on empty rooftops
a sense of excitement elates me
a new day to the same tragedy
like a broken bone though i feel
but i know this ache is never real
just a test of virtue they say
some time to find a way
to a distance light years away
that the journey seem like a play
and as i look into the sky once blue
my thoughts flew back to you
i think of your pretty eyes of blue
like the once skies of blue
and as if you were near
i can smell your warmness so dear
and my thoughts become clear
so i stood up and ran
this journey must not end
until i have found what is lost
though sometimes i hear a voice
what if it this journey goes on forever?
would you fight for what is dear?
i guess there is no such answer
for there is no such thing
as forever.
i'm dead bored.seriously, so bored i'd rather be dead.then again, if i'm dead i would have wished that i'm alive because being dead is boring too.then i would be saying things like '' damn, i'm alive bored,'' instead of i'm dead bored because i'm already dead.that just proves human beings are merely animals who doesn't know what they really want.
time passes by like raindrops on empty rooftops.so loud and clear.yet so subtle that you can't hear.unless you listen carefully.
i dont know.entahla.
goodnite everyone.
in the end, love prevails.
blog aku ade lagu! yea!
1. walkin' on sunshine by katrina and the waves
2. a well respected man by the kinks
3. lola by the kinks
4. you really got me by the kinks
5. wish you were here by pink floyd (this song's like a drug, i go high!)
6. i get around by the beach boys
7. wouldn't it be nice by the beach boys
8. god only knows by the beach boys
9. the seeker by the who
10. behind blue eyes by the who (the who yang buat lagu ni bukan limp bizkit ye, limp bizkit cover je)
11. brown sugar by the rolling stones
12. honky tonk by the rolling stones
13. yesterday by the beatles
14. yellow submarine by the beatles
15. help by the beatles
16. hey jude by the beatles
17. live and let die by guns n' roses (mcm rosak je,x sure)
18. paradise city by guns n' roses
19. dont cry by guns n' roses (yg ni pon cm rosak je,xleh play)
20. knockin' on heaven's door by guns n' roses
21. sweet child of mine by guns n' roses (check out the video, axl rose's hot! haha, gay gile aku)
22. dream on by aerosmith
23. sweet emotion by aerosmith
24. jaded by aerosmith
25. stairway to heaven by led zeppelin (best solo ever!)
26. rising force by yngwie malmsteen
byk gile kan lagu2?
aku byk wat salah.nak mintak maaf byk2.ajal maut di tangan Tuhan.
yeah, HANAHIRD i miss you too.deeply.
sorry for being so sombong on the past few days, tak sedar.cowiiii.
in the end,love prevails.
and she was left with no soul
she's just a girl all alone
and when she pickup n dialed the phone
there's no dialing tone
maybe what she needs is a microphone
cos she's all alone
she always thinks of him
like the way she thinks of him
but he never had the things
she wanted from him
she's dizzy from all the running
just dizzy from all the spinning
n she's all alone
oh this relationship
what should we call it
oh this relationship
this modern love
uh baru ingat dulu aku pernah kene tag!
ah ah ah asyik2 asyik2nya bercintaaaaaa (macam lagi dangdut amelina yang pernah populer satu masa dulu, huhuuuu)
tapi ni ah lain.
ni ah sudah lame kene tag.
ah tapi skarang baru nak buat.
ah cowiii buat yang mengetag.
ah ah.
ah cukuplah.
ah.ah tak tahann.
1.sy rase sy tak aneh.aneh tak?
2.sy suke bau tgn sy.tak leh stop.cet cet! bad habit yg tak terbendung.
3.sy rase sy ni hensem la.hahahaha
4.sy agak bingung nak tulis ape lagi.hmmm
5.sy tak leh mkn jambu air banyak2 nanti kegatalan.
6.sy seorang pemalu yang tak tau malu
7.sy rase sy akan jadi terkenal satu hari nanti.kah kah kah
tula bende2 aneh pasal sy.aneh tak? cam tak aneh sgt je. haih.
nak wish bdayla.
untuk ezy. ezy baik.
so blanje la ape lagik.kah kah kah.
entahla pening sebenarnya nak cite ape.
in the end, the end has no end.
(klaka kan sy? uhuhuh,)
my influences my muses my inspiration
arctic monkeys
the libertines
the strokes
guns and roses
steve vai
yngwie malmsteen
franz ferdinand
bloc party
mitch albom
stephen king
vernon god little
and last but not least, a word of wisdom from the wisdomless, ''the more you read the smarter you are going to be my friends.read books.good looks.fish hook.''
in the end love prevails.
this room smells of you
so subtle like a tragedy
im a bird being set free
the sight of her makes me happy
and even if somehow im blown to smithereens
i don't mind as long as she's with me
my thoughts are always happy
and at eternal peace will it be
i wonder if she ever remembers me
in the cold nights of january
i met her coincidently
from the backpages of a dream
this love is hell for me
but i know that i am happy
from the smile you show
and time stops to a slow
oh this love is hell for me
but i know that i am happy
for i know that if i die
heaven awaits for me
this room it smells of you
and i am a bird being set free
for this room smells of you
and it smells good like perfume
as i fall from this hill
i just know that this will
become a moment that will
change the course of my history
for this room smells of you
and that smell is what i long for
from you that im longing for
and for you i would die for
and this room smells of you
everything reminds me of you
because this room smells of you
and i don't know what to do
(disusun berdasarkan darjah keparahan,paling parah diatas)
1.merosakkan lcd laptop syukri (teman saya) dan kos perbaikan mencapai rm2000.
2.henfon rosak secara mendadak.hantar bengkel 2 minit je ok.sampai rumah rosak balik.
3.tersalah beli amplifier guitar yang dikirim abg eri.
4.ermm.. ape lagi ek. dah lah tu kot.hahaha macam banyak sangat je sampai nak senarai2.
begini story die,,
ni pasal tersalah beli amplifier ni.haaa.. macam ni.. tak lama dulu abang kandungku yang bernama eri menyuruh aku membelikan roland micro cube.yaitu sebuah amplifier gitar karen yang super hebat.saya pon dengan konfidennye kate kat indon ade.so saya pon belilah.rupe2nya saya tersalah beli.saya beli roland cube 15x.bukan micro cube.aduh lah roland ni pon.bagi la name bunyi jauh2 sikit.ni dekat2 same je.konfius aku.nasib baik abg eri kate takpe pakai je.nasib baik.haduh2.ni yang rase nak saman roland nih.cessss......
habis pasal salah beli amp nih pulak pasal handphone saya yang suke membuat kelakar.pandai jugak la die buat kelakar sebenarnye.nice lah.not bad.kadang ketawe gak la.tapi hari tu die tetibe rosak.saya pon rase tu tak kelakar.saya pon hantar la pegi repair.setelah sehari di kedai repair.saya pon pegi la mengambil beliau si handphone yang kelakar itu.oh! die masih kelakar! betapa gembiranya saya.terase seperti di atas bulan.oh oh oh! namun setibanya di rumah.die kembali tidak kelakar.bengang betol.kelakar kat kedai je.sampai hati handphone tu buat camni kat saya.kesian saya.rase sedih macam seperti di atas bulan mengetahui ternyata bulan berkawah2 tidak seindah yang diharapkan....huuuuuu... sia2 je antar repair....
ok2 sudah2lah pasal handphone.ni lagi suweyyyy punye cerita.suweyyy bergandalah.suwey bangettttsssss.. yeah yeah! tak pasal2 terbang melayang rm2000 kene repair laptop syukri(belum repair lagi sebenarnya, actual cost belum tau,tapi hari tu tanya kedai almost rm 2000).haduhhh.. begini kisahnya, hari tu hari isnin, saya tak pegi kelas pagi.plan nak siapkan report.pastu saya pon pergi ke bilik syukri untuk mengambil contoh report.dalam bilik syukri ada adik die yang sedang tidur.si syukri dah pergi ke kelas.so saya pon masuk la.pekkk! eh eh ade laptop kat lantai.fuh nasib baik tersenggol slow je.tapi saya rase tak sedap hati.saya pon cek la laptop itu.adik syukri masih dibuai mimpi.eh! alamak skrin die nampak lain macam la.oh shiteeeee! retak laaa.. aduh cane ni. saya pon letak balik laptop. dan balik ke bilik. try tido kejap.huhuhu. pastu setelah 30minit tertidur, saya pon berfikir, eh tadi mimpi ke? pastu dengan berhati2 saya ke bilik syukri.cek laptop.oh nooo!! masih retakk..... ... .. argh! ingatkan mimpi tadi.cett. saya pon binngun kejap nak bagitau syukri ke tak.takde orang nampak saya terpecahkan laptop die.adik die pon tidur lagi.baik buat-buat tak tau je.frame je si adik syukritu.sumbat laptop tu bawah badan die ke ape.hahaha.. tapi sebagai manusia yang bersivik dan mementingkan sopan-santun, saya pon mengambil keputusan untuk meng'sms' si syukri untuk menceritakan apa yang terjadi.haduii.. cek kat kedai compaq, harga repair 5.35 juta.rupiah.hehehe.almost rm2000.itulah harga sebuah kejujuran. haish. suwey sungguh.
"habis gelap datanglah terang."
sekejap je rasenye.dah nak final exam dah.mid term hari tu macam baru je rasenye.kene score niyh.hari tu punye marks dah hancur.haduh.malas betul nak blaja.kan best kalau jadi kambing.hahaha.. tak habis2 dengan kekambingan berjanguttan.
sesungguhnya dah setahun 060607.dah setahun dah.hahaha.. kejap je. lebih dari seratus malam telah ku lewati bersamamu.. ceh.. puitis romantis betul saya ni.happy!
anyways,pray for our success.may all of us get what we deserve.may all of us touch our dreams.someday.its just a matter of time.keep fighting.chayo! yeah!
in the end,love prevails.
andaikan aku seekor kambing
andaikan aku seekor kambing.mesti best kan?.hari2 makan free.sedap je mengunyah rumput yang kaya klorofil dan selulosa itu.dan jika nak melepaskan tinja atau me'nyah' tinja merata pon takde sape dari bangseku(kambing bkn orang ye,jangan nk perasan!!) nak marah.paling pon diorang mengembek.pastu mesti aku dah tak perlu menggunakan khidmat toilet awam lagi.zaman sekarang ni ape nak jadi ntah, nak me'nyah' tinja pon kene bayar.mesti best kunyah rumput yang kaye selulosa itu.fuiyooo... meleleh air liur aku membayangkannya...... *drool* keje aku hari2 adalah makan tidur dan me'nyah' tinja. best wooo..
dan bile naluri aku mengatakan 'iya!' aku dan spesiesku akan bereproduksi! oh indahnya! sangatlah romantik menjadi pasangan kambing yang berguling2 di kandang ataupun bagi kambing2 yang bebas, berguling-guling di padang rumput hijau! indah sekaliii... macam film hindustan tapi berbahasa dan berpelakon kambing.indah sekali.indah dua dan juga berkali-kali ku katakan.
jujur saja.honestly.discheiven hott(konon2 bahase jerman la untuk 'jujur saja', jadilakan bunyi die ala2 jerman,tapi jangan la dipraktikkan dalam urusan rasmi ye,) it's been so quite not so long ago but it is long considering the amount of time in the interval between the last time since saya menulis post untuk blog yang hipnotis ini.so saya pon ketandusan idea nak buat post.tapi rasanya dah lama jugak saya ingin menjadi kambing.so perenggan di atas ditujukan buat diri kecilku di dalam hati yang selama ini ingin mejadi kambing.semoga beliau tidak mengembek lagi.
sudah2.jadi normal balik.pap pap pap....
dah normal dah.ni ha dah lame dah tak tulis blog nih.haduh banyak dah insiden2 menarik yang berlaku tapi tak sempat di abadikan dalam blog ini.my last post was on the eve of my kimia sintesis exam yang saya demam tu, sekarang nih, exam dah pon abes, result nye pon dah keluar.seperti biase orang genius yang perasan die idiot seperti saya(perasan gile! urgh! jangan muntah ye!) berjaya mendapat hasil yang memberangsangkan sehingga saya semakin terangsang untuk terus belajar lebih gigih lagi(lebih gigih sebab result terok sebenarnye, haha,).yah yah yah! tengah semangat nih! ayoh! ayoh! pap pap pap! tidoo!
ok dah bangun.(pemende la yang aku merepek ni, malu kalau abah aku tau aku wat blog camni, haha,tapi aku tahu di hati kecilnya die tetap bangge, haha..).ni ha cik bedah gini ceritanya... aritu arina and kawan buatla sambutan for nadhirah's (windu awak =p) birthday.nak dijadikan cerita, saya pon dijemputla kan untuk membantu persiapan.saya dan mael diminta untuk menyalakan api for bbq ayam.atas desakan ekonomi indonesia yang mengalami sekatan minyak tanah (it is so hard to find minyak tanah in indonesia nowadays, surabaya especially,) saya dan mael pon mngambil keputusan untuk menyalakan arang pakai petrol instead of minyak tanah.gile genius tak? we are gifted future pharmacists kene la genius betul tak?.hahaha.. bangge sebentar. ok ok ok ok,, kitorang pegi la bawak peralatan ke loteng or in english the attic of arina n frens's home,(area umah arina umahnye rapat2 so takde yard), kipas, ayam, bbq dan lain.tak dilupakan the villain, the killing machine, the destroyer! PETROL juga dibawa naik.... mule2 nak nyala tu titis2 kan la sikit, tapi disebakan sifat kimia petrol yang mudah menguap tapi highly flammable, arang pon tak jadi2 nak nyala. saya dan mael hilang sabar. mael teros menuang petrol tu. api yang kecil langsung membesar dengan sihat dan kuat kuat dan langsung menerkam botol kaca yang masih penuh berisi petrol.akibat kepanasan dan keterkejutan yang melampau mael dengan tidak sengaja melepaskan botol kaca yang berisi petrol jatuh dan petrol pon mengalir dengan cepat.sang api bertambah gagah dan membesar.kami yang disitu menjadi bagai ibu ayam kehilangan anak dan ibu gajah kehilangan tanduknya.menjerit tak tentu hala sambil tangan mencapai harta benda yang mampu diselamat ka.tapi nasib baik arina pantas membawa air sebaldi untuk memadamkan api.dan api yang tadinya besar tewas.fuh nasib baik... selapas insiden tu, lutut saya cam dah takde. lemah gile. nak berdiri pon susah. haduii... nasib baik tak terbakar rumah orang...
ayam yang supposedly was going to be bbq'ed was fried instead.all hopes for the bbq was gone after the aftermath.all that was left was the corn that was supposed to be bbq'ed.but i still wanted to light the fire.to instil the flames of bbq'ing.so percubaan membuat arang pon dilakukan tapi di lokasi yang berbeza, dkt dpn umah arina, walaupun kecil tapi selamat.kali ini bahan bakarnya adalah spiritus(cecair berwarna ungu yang flammable,biasa digunakan di lab,).bagai nak rak kasut dan buku saya dan mael dan arina dan semuanya berusaha menyalakan api but to no avail.pastu tetibe makcik depan rumah kate, lebih kurang camni la,, '' kenapa tak pakai minyak tanah adik2 oi?'' '' tak jumpela minyak tanah,cik..(padahal mmg x carik pon,, hahaha,,)'' ''tu hah kat kedai depan tu ade jual minyak tanah.. ''... so kitorang pon belila minyak tanah.api pon menyala.jagung pon dibakar.perot pon kenyang hati pon senang.akhir kata cet btol la si minyak tanah tu.nyusahkan orang je.sumpah jadi minyak angin baru tau.cet cet cet cet cet.....!
(sian nad (windu awak =p) time party tu kene simbah dengan budak2 ni pakai air busuk, busuk gileeeee... ketiak kambing tak pakai deodoran pon tak sebusuk air tu saya rase.nak muntah.ewwww... but she looked happy.im happy for her.happy birthday dear nadhirah (windu awak =p).grow up big and strong and smart and healthy always! yeay!!)
btw. saya telah ditag oleh nadhirah.nanti la kapan saya rajin saya jawb soklan tag tu.sapela yang cipta mainan tag2 ni.nyusah kan orang btol.cubela main bola ke.futsal ke.tak pon carom.bestla sket.tapi disebabkan saya ni orangnye sporting lagi macho dan bergaya maskulin, saya pon main je la.tapi nanti bukan sekarang... nanti tau.. tunggu ye wak.. nanti saya datang.. tunggu tau.. bawah tiang lampu.. a'a.. lampu kuningla.. tapi biru pon tak pe... pink?.. pink pon bole... a'a.. dah la penat taip.. kuning?..kan tadi dah ckp kuning,pekak ke?... biru.. peninglaa... karate kang... .... ... .. .. (fade.)
in the end,love prevails.
jenny don't be hasty (KISAH AJAIB HARI INI)
KISAH AJAIB HARI INI,,,, nadhirah mohd.shakri telah mendarat di surabaya.die sgt sweet membawa saya ke klinik naik beca siang tadi.comel betul die.pastu dari klinik tetibe kitorang boleh sesat kat mall.entah camne ntah saya pon tak sedar.mule-mule nak tukar duit je, tetibe saya cakap ''awak kate nak beli jeans baru?,alang dah kat sini ayolah beli,'' so the story goes, we went to z*** to buy her new jeans.pastu tetibe plak kami boleh sampai kat cinema.tak pasal-pasal dah terbeli tiket.citer forbidden kingdom.tgk citer tu cam nak berkungfu jer rasenye.watchhhaaaaa~ son wukong berbulu emas! watchaaaa~!!! okay2-okay back to the story, habis tengok movie tak pasal-pasal nadhirah beli kasut baru, pastu tak pasal-pasal dah kat cc ni menulis post.saya pon tak faham.mungkin saya telah menembusi 'The Gate Of No Gates' seperti dalam citer forbidden kingdom.aneh pelik dan ajaib.bagaimana esok adalah hari ujian namun saya boleh keluar menonton sambil pergi ke klinik? aneh sekali.saya takkan melupakan hari ini (lebih-lebih lagi kalau esok tak bole jawab, hehehe,).
oklah, post pendek je la.pendek-pendek tapi ajaib.haha.. dah penat ni,tak larat dah nak taip. demaaammmm.....
wishing myself luck for the exams.amiiinnn...
in the end, love prevails.
Cimex Lectularis dan Berbagai Kisah Lain
the word testis in latin means ''witness''.which roughly means(i think) if you want to say ''oh my god! i'm a witness!,'' in latin,it should sound something like this ''oh my god! i'm a testis!,''.sangat-sangatlah cool.haha.nasib baik bahase latin hanyalah digunakan dalam bidang ilmu dan tidak digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.kalau tak banyaklah test(is) berada di mahkamah atau di tempat-tempat yang sewaktu dengannya.come to think of it,why does the male generative gland in animals called a witness? saya pon tak faham.mungkin kerana ia ada dua biji macam mata.hence the word witness.maybe.......
tadi pegi cuci motorku yang comel.die semakin comel.dah berkilat putih bersih.yeaaa!before cuci motor tadi lepak-lepak kat bilikku sambil study kimia sintesis sampai tertido.before that lagi pegi kelas.before that lagi pergi melancong ke paris dan bertemu rod stewart dan mengusap-ngusap janggutnya.dan rod pon berkate ''asyraf,itulah kasih mok kasih pok pado anok'', pastu pastu pastuuuuu.... saya pon berkate ''ikat jangan tak ikat,ingatlah orang yang tersayang!!!'' (apelah yang aku merepek ni wahai sodara sodari).itulah aktivitiku hari ini di surabaya yang tercinta,selain berjumpa rod stewart dan pergi ke paris,semuanya benar-benar belaka.oh lagi satu pagi tadi saya cuci selimut saya yang dah dah hampir satu semester setngah tak cuci, mak aih, hitam giler air cucian dia,, macam kopi kaw-kaw punye wooo.. giler la, patutla saya gatal-gatal je keje.

speaking about gatal-gatal, around the end of last month if i'm not mistaken,i experienced some 'gatal-gatal', so i told la abang sepol which is a medical student.he told me it might be caused by ticks.so he went to my room and did a check up on my anus, eh salah, my mattress, and you know what he fouuunnnddd????!!! jeng jeng jeng!!!! a bed bug! or Cimex lectularius. kurang hajar punye cimex lectularis, selambe je duduk kat tilam orang, dahla isap darah aku, penat-penat aku makan membina tubuh yang sihat, suke-suke ati die je isap, dah la tak bayar, tak mintak izin lagi.dasar haiwan tak sopan.tak hensem pulak tu.ni gambar-gambar si cimex tu,

nilah gambar-gambar makhluk yang meminum darahku itu.tapi gambar-gambar ni saya amik kat wikipedia la.kalau dah hisap darah die jadi gemok.die ni seekor parasit.nasib baik yang dekat tilam saya tu tak sempat beranak-pinak, baru sekor je, kalau tak mungkin nasib saya seperti ini,

one story leads to another but i still miss her.jiwang gak aku nih ek.melankolik dan sentimental tapi bukan mentally retarded.hahaha.. die datang surabaya ahad niee,, yeay! boleh jumpe! hahaha..
i think this is it ladies and gentlemen, this is where the hero dies and the birds fly, this is where the groom kisses the bride, this is where the hunter catches the prey,this is where the father says goodbye,this is the end of this post.hope we all remain happy and to those people who are now faced with sadness, may it pass by them.life is a lesson learned every moment you live it,learn or perish my friends.
in the end,love prevails.
this is a test (is)
this is a start of something great.i can feel it.this blog is going to be the epitome of blogs all over the world.people will read it.adore it.sing it.recite it.this blog will rule the world.beware earthlingsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (tarik nafas) sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....
test test (is) (is)
testis/testicle- The testicle (from Latin testis, meaning "witness",[1] plural testes) is the male generative gland in animals. (Wikipedia)
hahaha.. sungguh.. sungguh.. sesungguhnya tak ada kata yang dapat mendeskripsikan kesenangan hatiku di saat ini.blog pertama saya setelah tujuh belas blog yang telah saya hasilkan.oh senang sekali.actually i've only written four blogs with an average of five posts per blog.haha.. im not a constant blogger nor am i a constant gardener (maksud kamu apa??!).and i've deleted three of them.then all of a sudden i feel an urge to write again (actually my hanahird(she's the love) influenced me).so i wrote laaaa....
and im not here to write about test(is).this post is just a test.my test post and again not my test(is).my test(is) is tucked safe in its rightful place.then again, i think it is not a crime to define the word test(is) because not all of us know the meaning of that word.hence the definition above.
okay okay.cukuplah bercerita tentang test(is).eh jap2... bercakap tentang test(is) tanpa (is), isnin nanti saya ada ujian tengah semester.sangatlah malas diriku untuk mendudukinya,apatah lagi mendirikannya,namun apa daya,saya terpaksa.jadi,saya amatlah berharap saudara/saudari memberikan sokongan dan doa kepada saya agar terus sukses dan menjadi farmasis yang dapat menjana ekonomi negara dan membantu masyarakat setempat.
seterusnya, nadhirah binti mohd.shakri, ketahuilah anda amat saya sayangi.kamu nun jauh di sana.harap kamu sentiasa bahagia.kanda senatiasa merindui dinda.tak kira dimana jua anda berada.cepatlah pulang dan buatku bahagia.
oh, i am strapped for cash.hutang keliling leher.nak tercekik dah ni.pinggang ok lagi,tak tecekik.hehehe.i need money.nak beli amp and effect.arghhhh....
oklah, enough for my first post.tidak ada yang menarik sebenarnya.semoga saja and terhibur.teruskan bersama kami, di waktu dan hari yang sama.haha..
in the end, love prevails.